Four Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Book


I work with many professionals from different backgrounds- therapists, doctors, accountants, lawyers, and more who want to create books to share their area of expertise. They want to create a book that goes along with their business and supports their business needs.

The following are four reasons why you might want to consider creating a book for your business.

Add an Income Stream

Books can provide an additional revenue stream. This income possibility is not just for selling right now, but also an investment into your future.

There are a few products like a book that you can invest in once and sell over and over again, pretty much forever. Most physical products have a shelf life. You can't, and probably shouldn't, sell the lotion you created ten years ago today. If you bake cupcakes, you might not be able to sell them a week from now. Other products like clothes or jewelry go out of style or have a higher production cost to keep creating.

On the flip side, I make money off of books that I wrote five or ten years ago, every single day, without doing anything. Even if I make only $3 in a day off of old books, those little amounts add up over a year. I've learned to look at it as an investment into my future.

Offer a Lead Magnet

Books are a great lead magnet. You can give your book away to build your email list. You can use it as a part of a funnel to lead into a higher-priced course or a service. You can even do this with a shorter e-book that a prospective customer or client can download for free.

Amplify your Expertise

Books amplify your expertise. Adding author to your title still adds a little razzle-dazzle to your brand. Adding a book to your brand can make it easier to get interviews. It can be easier to get speaking engagements if you have a book written in your area of expertise. The caveat to this is that it has to be well-written; a poorly written book or a book that's not edited well can do damage to your brand.

Share Your Passion

The best reason to write a book is that you're passionate about your topic. You just want to talk about it and share all the lessons that you've learned. That comes from an authentic place. It makes book writing much easier if you just have something you truly want to share with the world.



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